Monday, July 28, 2008

And, back to work. :)

First and foremost on the schedule is to update racial conversions. I've started with the three most basic, High Elves, Dwarves and Goblins. I'm surprised by how easily they set as "drop in" pieces.

Dwarf: Courageous warriors and great craftsman, the dwarves of the Flanaess are powerful, rugged and taciturn, with a great reputation for honesty and a resistance to magic.

SM -1
ST +1 [10]; HT +1 [10]

Physical Traits: Extended Lifespan 1 [2]; Night Vision +9 [9]; No Hangover [1]; Resistant to Poison +3 [5]
Mental Traits: Absolute Direction (Accessibility, Underground Only, -30%) [4]; Sense of Duty (Clan) [-10]; Honesty [-10]; Proud [-1]; Staid [-1]
Magical Traits: Magic Resistance 2 [4]
Talents: Racial Talent*2 (Armory; Axe/Mace; Detect Lies; Masonry; Smith; Survival) [10]

Total Cost: 33 points

High Elf: Beautiful, gifted with great skill with song and graceful, perceptive, truthful and extremely long lived, magical and masterful with bow and sword and the arts, the High Elves of the Flanaess are also said to be extreme claustrophobes that are stubborn beyond belief when a thing matters to them.

DX +1 [20]; HT -1 [-10]
HP -1 [-2]; Per +2 [10]

Physical Traits: Appearance-Beautiful [12]; Extended Lifespan 5 [10]; Less Sleep 4 [8]; Night Vision 7 [7]
Magical Traits: Magery 0 [5]
Mental Traits: Claustrophobia [-15]; Stubbornness [-5], Truthfulness [-5]
Talents: Racial Talent*3 (Artist; Bow; Broadsword; Diplomacy; Sex Appeal; Singing) [15]

Total Cost: 50 points

Goblin: Whether it is deserved or not, goblins have a reputation for being awful, cruel and cannibalistic. They are small, but swift and vicious in combat, able to see in the dark like cats and nearly blind in sunlight. While often thought to be stupid as a race this is far from the case and is likely tied to their low browed, and hideous appearance and hygiene.

SM -2
ST -1[-10]; DX +2 [40]

Physical Traits: Acute Vision +2 [4]; Bad Sight (Nearsighted, only in daylight/bright light, -30%) [-17] ; Easy to Kill 2 [-4]; Infravision [10]
Racial Skills: Animal Handling (Dogs) +2 [4]; Riding (Canines) +2 [4];
Social Traits: Hideous [-16]; Social Stigma – Monstrous [-15]

Total Cost: 0 points


Next up is a quick look at pricing. Yes, I know, I'll have to organize and settle this into a coherent whole at some point, but as this is still very much a work in progress, not just yet.

In GURPS $1 is defined as the cost of bread or other staple. With this being the case, the dollar is about 2 of my games "iron bits". This makes the average pay for the average guy on the street of the average city about $5 a day. Is it just me, or does this seem awfully low even when considering the Greyhawk standard class (social classes that is) disparity?

Still, until something that fits better comes along, this seems like the way to go. It will obviously have to also assume support services provided by the employer not being added in to this, OR, a primarily barter economy where little actual cash is needed or in use.


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